Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Favorites (TV Shows)

When it comes to TV shows, I find it a lot easier to rank my all-time favorites for some reason. A TV show is a funny thing. It is amazing how people can become so invested in their favorite shows that it literally can ruin their day when something bad happens on the show. Perhaps I will examine this later on. My top five all-time favorite TV shows, in order, are The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, and Arrested Development. It is my firm belief that The Wire is the greatest television show in history. I do plan to examine this show very in-depth later on as there is so much to love and discuss. Such an incredibly deep show. I must admit, I have a little bias towards the show because it is also my favorite show of all time. There is enough in The Wire to fill a hundred blog posts about so I just want to open the floor for discussion. The Sopranos was an absolute groundbreaker and is, without question, a masterpiece. Deep characters, great story arcs, and a very organic sense of story progression all come together to create the world of Tony Soprano. That show is also worthy of it's own special series of reviews. Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones are the most recent shows on this list but they are still absolutely amazing. Arrested Development is still the funniest show I have ever seen, maybe the funniest thing ever. AD is a testament to how great characters can really make a show memorable. Well, that's just a little about my TV show background and I will definitely get back around to The Wire in the future!

My Favorites (Music)

To help get the ball rolling, I figured that I would list out some of my favorite musical artists. It is pretty difficult to rank favorites but I have been certain for sometime now that my two favorite bands are Nirvana and System Of A Down. I can remember the first time I ever listened to Smells Like Teen Spirit. Up until that point, I wasn't really a big music lover and was just content with whatever was popular or on the radio. As soon as I heard that song, however, my entire perception was changed. I suddenly looked at music not as an entertainment platform, but a serious artistic one as well. I soon had almost every release Nirvana had ever put out and started actively going out of my way to look for new music. A few years later, I discovered System Of A Down. Ironically, the first time I listened to them, I couldn't stand them. The lead singer's ridiculous voice and the cacophonous guitars just sounded like noise. This was the song "Attack," off of their album "Hypnotize." I gave it some time and eventually found Chop Suey! and Sugar on Youtube. Both of these songs, especially Sugar, were far more to my liking and I gave them another go. Like Nirvana before, I soon had every single System song I could get my hands on. Eagerly awaiting a new album from them, I pull out the collection every time and again to tide me over. I will definitely go in depth more about these bands and their albums in the future but I just wanted to get the basics out there now. A few of my favorite other bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, The Black Dahlia Murder, Biggie Smalls, 2Pac, Rage Against The Machine, Sublime, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, and The Pixies. In reality, I like pretty much every genre of music, yet am very picky about bands within those genres. Generally speaking, my favorite genre is rock, along with all the sub genres that accompany it. I will post album reviews every so often but would also love to get suggestions on new bands or songs that I should listen to!


Hey all!

My name is Zachary Heller and I am currently a student at Central Michigan, studying Broadcasting and Cinematic Arts. I have long been a lover of many forms of media. Movies, music, television shows, books, etc. but have rarely been able to discuss many of these with a lot of people at once. I hope to get some great new insight and to expose new and exciting media to people who read my blog. I will organize a few posts, such as a systematic discussion of The Wire, musical recommendations, and various movie ones throughout the years. I hope that everyone jumps into the conversation and finds something new to enjoy in the world of media!